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Jom reap sua - Hello and welcome to our annual conference for educators and by educators. 
Saturday January 25, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am GMT+07
  1. Understanding About Mental Health
A. Definition of mental health
B. Overview of social and emotional skills
C. Connection between mental health and skill development
II. Overview of effective programs and initiatives
A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs
B. Mindfulness and character education programs
III. Strategies for implementation in schools

Workshop Style:
Quote, statistic, and questions

Intended audience:
All grade-level of educators

Learning outcomes
Growth of social awareness, empathy, self-control, and self-awareness
Improved interpersonal connections
Improved critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in social settings
Enhanced Engagement and Motivation: The Effect on Professional and Academic Outcomes
Encourage lifelong learning and continuous personal growth.
avatar for Samet Socheata

Samet Socheata

The Foundation for Social and Emotional Success “ How Mental Health Influences Social and Emotional Skill, CIA First International School
SAMET SOCHEATALES Social and Emotional Learning Specialist and CounselorCIA First International SchoolCHING SREYTHOMKES Social and Emotional Learning Specialist and CounselorCIA First International SchoolWith over 10 years of experience in the mental health and social work field... Read More →

Ching Sreythom

CIA First International School
Saturday January 25, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am GMT+07
B 101 First floor - BUILDING B
  Session 2, Inclusion and Belonging

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