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Jom reap sua - Hello and welcome to our annual conference for educators and by educators. 
Saturday January 25, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm GMT+07
"Abstract: A vast body of research on language attitudes has shown that speech style, vocabulary, and a speaker's accent play an important role in the social evaluation of the speaker. Using standard or non-standard language directly influences how others perceive us on at least two dimensions: status or superiority (e.g., intelligent, educated) and solidarity or attractiveness (e.g., friendly, pleasant). This cognitive process is often automatic and unconscious, based on learned stereotypes. Hint: Think of the bad guys' accents in movies. Fight your own cognitive biases by understanding this phenomenon!

Workshop style: Presentation with small tasks

Intended audience: Everyone interested in the relationship between stereotypes, language, and belonging; a belonging-inspired workshop with a strong scientific background

Disclaimer: Some stereotypes will be shown and discussed, come open-minded!"

Learning outcomes
- Increasing awareness of broad and personal language attitudes that influence our perception of other people
- Reflecting on stereotypes we (accidentally) learned
- Learning about language accommodation in the international environment - ""moving"" our own language toward others (e.g. choosing vocabulary depending on the public)"
avatar for Dr. sc. Bojana Coso

Dr. sc. Bojana Coso

Accents and Assumptions: How does the language we use shape unconscious language attitudes and conscious stereotypes?, International School of Phnom Penh
For the last four years, Dr. sc. Bojana Coso has worked as a School Psychologist at ISPP. She graduated in psychology, obtained a license for general and educational psychology, and later earned a doctoral degree in cognitive science. Her goal is to connect applied and experimental... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm GMT+07

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