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Company: Cambodian Children\'s Fund clear filter
Saturday, January 25

9:15am GMT+07

How do primary students become captivating speakers? Oracy development is the answer. LIMITED
Saturday January 25, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am GMT+07
"Description of content:

Oracy Development for Children and Young Adults

Being a confident communicator and a strong team player are important qualities. There is a saying that says that two heads are better than one. The intelligence of humans is particularly communal, and language has allowed the students to have collective thinking, and it means thinking together (Cambridge, 2019).
Students should learn both to talk and through talk in order to improve their subject knowledge and understanding through classroom talk which has been planned, designed, and supported to allow students to learn skills needed to talk effectively. Oracy can be used across many different subjects to increase student achievement and outcomes (Simon, 2019).
For example, Oracy in science classrooms is important for helping students learn to clarify and explain their ideas which is a critical part of science communication. In addition, Oracy is important for math achievement because students must learn to rationalize their conclusion and communicate and respond to the arguments of others. There is evidence indicating that there is a strong connection between participating in math conversations and improved math achievement (Simon, 2019).
The purpose of this presentation will inform you about the knowledge and understanding of Oracy, how significant it is for Cambodian students and teachers to obtain and encourage Oracy skills and how do teachers develop Oracy in the classroom.

Workshop style:
The workshop style is constructivist. Participants involve in this workshop will be asked to generate their own answers through given questions and group interactions.

Intended audience:
Cambodian English teachers who wish to find innovative ways to improve their students Oracy skills, English team leaders or head teachers.

" The respective participants could define what is Oracy and its benefits, differentiate between learning to talk and learning through talk, and develop Oracy skills in the classroom.
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How do primary students become captivating speakers? Oracy development is the answer., Cambodian Children's Fund
Sreymarch is now working as an English teacher at Cambodian Children’s Fund. She has been working closely with disadvantaged children and working with many experienced volunteers who are interested in helping the next generation. Sreymarch holds a bachelor degree in Teaching English... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am GMT+07
B 109 First floor - BUILDING B
  Session 1, Teaching and Learning (pedagogy/general education)
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