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Jom reap sua - Hello and welcome to our annual conference for educators and by educators. 
Saturday January 25, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm GMT+07
In this workshop, participants will consider the ways that we can support multilingual learners to develop their oral language. How do we track their language development to make sure children are growing their skills? What are some key aspects we should tune into and what measures can we use to monitor progress? During the workshop, participants will explore the different aspects of language (form, content and use) and how to select areas for progress monitoring. Participants will have a chance to practice analyzing oral language examples to hone their skills of noticing language features at the word, sentence and discourse level, as well as to identify next steps for targeted instruction. We will explore engaging and effective activities for vocabulary instruction as well as the process of selecting vocabulary words for units of study.    

Lesson outcomes
  1. Understand why oral language development is key aspect of language learning
  2. Understand the key components of oral language development (form, content, use)
  3. How to Assess and track oral language development using language sampling and practice collecting language samples
  4. Consider the different type of vocabulary students are expected to learn and decide how to select vocabulary to teach explicitly
avatar for Alison Hackett

Alison Hackett

Grade 3 EAL PYP Teacher, International School of Phnom Penh
Alison is a Grade 3 EAL teacher at the International School of Phnom Penh. Prior to this role, she has been a homeroom teacher, working across different grade levels, primarily in lower elementary.  Alison is passionate about multilingualism and celebrating this in our classrooms... Read More →
avatar for Zuleika Billington

Zuleika Billington

Whole-School Speech-Language Pathologist, International School of Phnom Penh
Zule is a speech-language pathologist with 10 years of experience. She currently works in a whole-school role at ISPP servicing students from preschool through grade 10. Zule’s passion and interests have always revolved around supporting multilingual learners and the intersection... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm GMT+07
B 202 Second floor - BUILDING B
  Session 4, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Email zuleikabillington@ispp.edu.kh

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