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Saturday, January 25

9:15am GMT+07

Move, groove and learn; movement breaks and language development FULL
Saturday January 25, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am GMT+07
Description of content, workshop style, and intended audience 

· I will share strategies that support language development, brain training and fun movement breaks that are inclusive for all learners.
· In this session participants will learn about creative movement principles inspired by Anne Green Gilbert in her approach to brain-compatible learning and movement education. Movement becomes a tool not only for physical development but also for improving literacy and language skills
· This session will be interactive. Participants will learn new movement concepts paired with corresponding rhymes; helping students connect physical actions with language. Movement patterns that cross the midline of the body stimulate neural connections that enhance both motor coordination and language comprehension.
· Early years to grade 3, teachers of MLL learners, inclusion teachers

Learning outcomes
1. Participants will learn a sequence of nursery rhymes that strengthen language skills, such as vocabulary acquisition, sentence structure, and verbal expression.
2. Participants will learn the creative dance movements that pair with nursery rhymes to enhance cognitive abilities like memory, focus, and comprehension through rhythmic patterns and cross-lateral movements.
3. Develop practical skills to deliver effective mini lessons integrating movement and rhyme into language instruction.

Jenn McCoy

Inclusive education Specialist Teacher, Canadian International School
Jenn McCoy, a seasoned educator with 25 years of experience in Canadian public schools and international schools in China and Cambodia, has dedicated her career to supporting individuals with neurodiversity. She has worked closely with teachers, parents, and students to create inclusive... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am GMT+07
B 202 Second floor - BUILDING B
  Session 1, EAL and Language Learning

10:30am GMT+07

Raptors, Middle Schoolers, and the Science of Behavior: Making the Right Choices Easy and the Wrong Choices Hard FILLING
Saturday January 25, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am GMT+07
We will host a workshop that explores practical classroom management strategies grounded in the science of behavior. We will examine the ABCs of behavior and how they relate to the classroom environment. We will explore how behavior never happens in a vacuum; it always serves a function and is shaped by its surroundings. By considering the function of behavior, and the environmental contexts in which it occurs, we can uncover insights into why certain problem behaviors arise. With these insights, we can adapt our responses to create more positive outcomes in the classroom. This perspective allows us to develop creative solutions that make positive choices easier for students and negative choices hard. The goal of the workshop will be to support teachers in their efforts to foster classrooms where students feel empowered, valued, and engaged in their learning.    

Learning outcomes
1.) Build a foundational understanding of how behavior functions within its environmental context.

2.) Use this understanding to provide insight into potential causes of challenging behaviors.

3.) Brainstorm effective and practical strategies that set students up for success by making the right choices easy and the wrong choices hard.
avatar for Brian Davidson

Brian Davidson

Secondary School Assistant Principal, International School of Phnom Penh
Brian Davidson is the Secondary Assistant Principal at the International School Phnom Penh (ISPP). With 20 years of experience as an outdoor educator, classroom teacher, and administrator in schools worldwide, Brian is deeply passionate about creating responsive and flexible learning... Read More →
avatar for Mike Billington

Mike Billington

International School of Phnom Penh
Mike Billington is a MYP Design teacher at the International School Phnom Penh (ISPP). He has been a classroom teacher for 3 years, but has worked in education for nearly 20 years. Prior to ISPP, he trained raptors (eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons) for thirteen years. He brought... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am GMT+07
B 202 Second floor - BUILDING B

12:30pm GMT+07

Non-cognitive Assessments LIMITED
Saturday January 25, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm GMT+07
There are four key points:
  1. What is Non-cognitive?; 
  2. The importance of assessing non-cognitive; 
  3. Selecting needed criteria of non-cognitive to assess; and 
  4. Three ways of non-cognitive assessments: Observation, Interview, and Self-report. 
This sharing is a kind of oral presentation with actual practices with the audience's real work (for their classes or their lead department dealing with students' non-cognitive matters).
The target audience can be a teacher in elementary - and high school--will be provided as three groups practising and sharing based on the type of students' levels. It can also be non-teachers who deal with supporting students.

Learning outcomes:
  1. to address that non-cognitives closely related to students' performance and outcomes
  2. to know how to assess non-cognitives and develop the assessments
  3. to apply in our real work"
avatar for HEANG Borei


Teaching and Learning (pedagogy/general education), CIA First International School and CAM ASEAN Foreign Language School
HEANG Borei is working at CIA First International High School as a teacher of the World Language Culture program, and also working as a GEP teacher at Cam Asean Foreign Language School. She has been teaching for over 20 years and is particularly interested in the teaching field and... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm GMT+07
B 202 Second floor - BUILDING B

1:45pm GMT+07

Talk, Track, Teach: Effective Strategies for Oral Language and Vocabulary Development of Multilingual Learners FULL
Saturday January 25, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm GMT+07
In this workshop, participants will consider the ways that we can support multilingual learners to develop their oral language. How do we track their language development to make sure children are growing their skills? What are some key aspects we should tune into and what measures can we use to monitor progress? During the workshop, participants will explore the different aspects of language (form, content and use) and how to select areas for progress monitoring. Participants will have a chance to practice analyzing oral language examples to hone their skills of noticing language features at the word, sentence and discourse level, as well as to identify next steps for targeted instruction. We will explore engaging and effective activities for vocabulary instruction as well as the process of selecting vocabulary words for units of study.    

Lesson outcomes
  1. Understand why oral language development is key aspect of language learning
  2. Understand the key components of oral language development (form, content, use)
  3. How to Assess and track oral language development using language sampling and practice collecting language samples
  4. Consider the different type of vocabulary students are expected to learn and decide how to select vocabulary to teach explicitly
avatar for Alison Hackett

Alison Hackett

Grade 3 EAL PYP Teacher, International School of Phnom Penh
Alison is a Grade 3 EAL teacher at the International School of Phnom Penh. Prior to this role, she has been a homeroom teacher, working across different grade levels, primarily in lower elementary.  Alison is passionate about multilingualism and celebrating this in our classrooms... Read More →
avatar for Zuleika Billington

Zuleika Billington

Whole-School Speech-Language Pathologist, International School of Phnom Penh
Zule is a speech-language pathologist with 10 years of experience. She currently works in a whole-school role at ISPP servicing students from preschool through grade 10. Zule’s passion and interests have always revolved around supporting multilingual learners and the intersection... Read More →
Saturday January 25, 2025 1:45pm - 2:45pm GMT+07
B 202 Second floor - BUILDING B
  Session 4, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Email zuleikabillington@ispp.edu.kh
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